Friday, February 25, 2011

Directly download YouTube HTML5 videos - is that true?

download YouTube HTML5 video
If you like to watch the HTML5 videos on YouTube, you might have noticed the 'Save Video As' sub-menu in right-click menu over a HTML5 video. It seems that we can download the HTML videos from YouTube. Oh, my God! Is that true? We can directly save the chosen HTML5 video to computer without any third-party software, add-on or website? Is Google Crazy or just want to give up Flash to push HTML5?

But wait a minute, when click the 'Save Video As' sub-menu, YouTube will send you to Rick Astley's 'Never Gonna Give You Up' video page:

YouTube Rick Astley Never Gonna Give You Up
Yes, YOU ARE FOOLED by YouTube! Though it's not April Fool's Day today. Haha.. That menu can't help you to save any YouTube HTML5 video to your computer.

To download YouTube video, you can just use Leawo Free YouTube Downloader -

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